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One of the strangest things we ate on our recent trip to Korea was a plate of very fresh raw octopus. This stuff is so fresh that it is still wiggling and squirming. It makes for a strange meal as you have to try to hold on with chopsticks, dip it in hot sauce and then chew into the rubbery flesh as it moves inside your mouth and down your throat as you swallow. The video is quite telling as you can see Rory’s friends and I trying to keep the damn thing on the dish.

Anyone else eat this before?

Beondegi (silkworm larvae)

Beondegi is available pretty much on every corner in Korea. Kids love 'em

The first of a long list of strange Korean food posts belongs to Beondegi 번데기, which is silkworm larvae. I’ve seen it in this soupy form but I think it can also be eaten in a more dry, crunchy state. (update: see pic below) It is a favorite amongst Korean school children who buy them by the cup-full on busy street corners. I’ve tried it. Can’t say I enjoyed it.

Also available in cans.

Related posts:

Dry cup of silkworm larvae

The after-school snack kind.

Korea photos